6 Ways Volunteering Boosts Positivity in Your Life - Global Positive News
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6 Ways Volunteering Boosts Positivity in Your Life

How often do we find ourselves feeling rudderless, with no sense of direction or purpose in life? Believe it or not, one of the easiest solutions to this quandary is to participate in some form of community service. By volunteering your time and skillset to a worthy cause, you not only help others, but will also benefit immensely yourself. Here’s how…

6 Benefits of Volunteering

There is no denying the surge of joy you experience when you are able to provide some assistance to a person, or animal, in need. The feeling of joy you experience is like receiving a powerful jolt of positivity. Why not find a local charity where you can volunteer your services and do some good in the community?

Consider these 6 ways volunteering can lead to a positive mindset:

  1. It’s great to feel needed. How wonderful it feels to be of service to another human being. Everyone hits a rough patch in life from time to time, so doesn’t it feel good to be able to volunteer your time and talents to offer a little help? As the saying goes, “It is better to give than to receive,” and there is a lot of wisdom and truth in that. Giving to others just makes us feel happy.


  1. It’s good for your mental health. There are multiple ways that performing a community service can positively impact your mental health. The satisfaction we feel when contributing our time to help another adult, a child, or even an animal can actually combat depression and reduce stress. While you are focused on helping others, you are able to take your attention off your worries for a while.


  1. You’ll make new friends. People bond while working together in service to others. Sharing a common desire to provide assistance to people in need is fertile ground for forming new friendships. Before you know it, you will be enjoying coffee together and planning your next community service project.


  1. You can learn new skills. While true that volunteering usually makes use of your talents and skillset, you’d be amazed at how many new skills you will need to learn on the fly. When you sign up as a volunteer you’ll need to be flexible and open to learning new things. Some of these may be outside your comfort zone, which makes you that much more valuable at the next charity event.


  1. It gives you a sense of purpose. We all need a sense of purpose in our lives. Becoming a volunteer gives you a new sense of meaning and direction, and can be especially beneficial for someone who has recently lost a job or a spouse. Find new purpose by making a meaningful difference in someone else’s life.


  1. It boosts your confidence. As a volunteer, you are often asked to perform tasks that aren’t necessarily easy. You may be cooking large quantities of food, or hauling and unpacking large boxes of clothing, setting up heavy tables, or packing boxes of canned foods to distribute. But no matter how hard the work, you leave at the end of the event feeling a huge sense of accomplishment.

To find a volunteer activity that is perfect for you, think about your own interests and skills and locate a community organization that would benefit from your services. You will find that helping others makes you feel happy, and more positive about yourself .

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