The Importance of Positive Self-Talk - Global Positive News
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The Importance of Positive Self-Talk

Did you know that all day long we are engaging in a one-on-one interior chitchat session? Whether we comment silently or in whispered tones, we carry on a daily conversation with ourselves. Once you grasp the weight of those private thoughts and mumblings, you’ll begin to understand the importance of positive self-talk.

The way that we choose to communicate with ourselves is highly influential to our psyche… and what we feed our psyche can affect our mood, our quality of life, and even our health. Keep reading to learn why positive self-talk is so essential to our mental health.

What is Positive Self-Talk?

First, let’s make a distinction between the terms “positivity” and “positive self-talk.” Positivity is a state of mind, and a positive state of mind is awesome indeed. We should all strive to cultivate a positive mindset, for sure. However, no matter how sunny your outlook on life happens to be, positivity will never become an asset until you start speaking kinder to yourself—and that is where positive self-talk comes in.

Too often we direct our harshest, most critical thoughts directly at ourselves. Every little shortcoming, every mistake or misstep comes home to roost within us. However, when we practice positive self-talk, we swap out those nasty negative assaults-on-self for more diplomatic and constructive thoughts. In essence, we practice being gentler to ourselves—we cut ourselves a little slack.

To illustrate the difference, consider these two self-talk options after waiting in the wrong line at the DMV for an hour before figuring it out:

Option 1: “Oh my gosh! You idiot! Now you are going to waste another hour in this place for no good reason. There goes the day!”

Option 2: “Ugh! Live and learn. I guess next time I should ask someone before just getting in a random line. Oh well, at least I enjoyed some interesting people watching, and also got to get caught up on my email while I waited.”

The Benefits of Positive Self-Talk

There are a surprising number of benefits associated with positive self-talk. Apparently, there is a connection between framing your thoughts in a positive manner and being able to better manage stress.

The stress response, which involves the release of cortisol and adrenaline, is very hard on the body. When you take some pressure off yourself when faced with a stressful situation or problem by employing positive self-talk, you limit the surge of stress hormones. This improves wellness in a number of ways. Some of the benefits of positive self-talk include:

  • Better mental health
  • Stronger immune system
  • Reduced stress
  • More energy
  • More positive outlook
  • Better health in general
  • Longer life

How to Foster Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk, however, does not come naturally. We are all very quick to jump on ourselves when things go awry in life. Try these tips to increase your level of positive self-talk:

  1. Use positive affirmations. Posting some simple inspiring phrases on your desk or fridge can remind you of your value throughout the day. A book of daily affirmations can also motivate and encourage you, and guide you to change your thought habits.


  1. Treat yourself like a loved one. We need to stop seeing ourselves as a foe and instead begin treating ourselves with the patience and tenderness we would show a best friend or beloved family member.


  1. Keep a daily list of your positives. Make it a habit to list three positive things you accomplished each day. Keep a journal on your nightstand to remind you.


  1. Practice thought switching. Catch yourself in the midst of a harsh self-critique or a catastrophizing moment, and then do a thought-switch. Reframe the thought and turn it into a positive.


  1. Integrate relaxation techniques. Because negative self-talk and stress seem to go hand-in-hand, keep a lid on stress by utilizing stress-management tools. Try deep breathing techniques, exercise, yoga, or massage to help reduce stress.

As you practice correcting your negative thoughts by reframing them as positive self-talk you will naturally begin operating in a positive state of mind—one fueled by self-love.

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