Summer Reset for Positivity - Global Positive News
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Summer Reset for Positivity

Summer is in full swing now, with abundant sunshine, colorful flowers, and gardens bursting with fresh produce. In essence, summertime offers us a hearty abundance of nature’s blessings. Why not harness the energy from those natural gifts and use it to fuel your very own positivity reset.

Summer is the Perfect Time for an Attitude Reset

Everyone loves the prospect of summer. In fact, that eternal love for summer can probably be traced back to our youth. Remember how when the final bell rang, signaling the end of another school year, we’d bolt off the school grounds in sheer revelry knowing that three months of fun and freedom lay ahead? It doesn’t matter how many decades have passed since our schooldays, we are hardwired to anticipate lots of summertime fun.

With many hot, lazy days ahead, summer is a great time to slow down and engage in a little reflection. Take some time to ponder how you can use this season to reignite your passion for life. Grab a notebook and find a quiet place for reflection:

  • Make a list of beloved hobbies or interests that may have slipped off your radar in recent years and vow to rekindle them.


  • Jot down a list of new activities you’d like to explore or skills you want to learn.


  • Note some areas of personal growth you hope to achieve this summer, and then brainstorm ideas on how to make it happen.

6 Ways to Leverage Summertime Positivity

Now, with your handy notes to guide you, consider these six summer activities and watch your dreams become a reality:

  1. Slow down. Summer provides the perfect backdrop for engaging in relaxing activities: Kick back on the porch with a new book. Peruse your cookbooks and try out some new recipes. Take up a new artistic endeavor like painting, drawing, or making jewelry.


  1. Plan a trip. Why not plan an amazing trip this summer? Travel happens to be one of the most mentally invigorating activities you can engage in. On a trip, being in explorer mode naturally opens up your mind to learning, whether it is discovering the natural wonders at a National Park or cruising down the Nile River.


  1. Envision your most amazing life. Give yourself permission to dream, to envision your future in your mind’s eye as the best version of yourself. Imagine what that would look like and how to accomplish it, and then believe it will happen. Believing in yourself and your potential is the foundation of living a life of positivity.


  1. Start a business. If it is too hot to spend much time outdoors, why not consider starting a business. Once you have narrowed your scope to one or two business ideas, go over to YouTube and type in the search bar: How to start a [insert idea] business. You will find a huge array of ‘How To’ videos to help you get started.


  1. Connect with loved ones. Summer is the perfect time to reconnect with friends and family. The possibilities are endless! Consider planning a backyard cookout, a picnic at the lake, a fun day at the beach, or gathering for some live music under the stars.


  1. Revamp your wellness routines. Make the most of all the delicious summer fruits and veggies by visiting a farmers market and add lots of fresh produce to your diet. Set some new fitness goals, like taking up pickleball, Zumba, tennis, or paddleboarding, and make this summer an active one.

There is definitely something about the summer that makes you feel like anything is possible, that the “dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” Capture that spirit of endless possibilities right now, and enjoy your summer reset for positivity.

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