Staying Positive Through Sickness - Global Positive News
staying positive through sickness
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Staying Positive Through Sickness

Very few life events are capable of leveling us like a serious illness can. Most of us take our health for granted, so when we are sidelined by a sudden sickness or injury we may not be mentally prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

When battling an illness or affliction, there is a temptation to feel sorry for ourselves. We might even fall into depression in response to our plight, or acquire a negative, surly attitude bemoaning the cross we must carry. Unfortunately, these negative mind states will only fuel the illness and cause us to feel even worse.

The good news is that we are all capable of tapping into our own immense healing power just by practicing positivity. The choice we make early on – to not wallow in self-pity and negativity, but to embrace hope and faith – can literally propel us from illness to wellness.

The Importance of Positive Visualization

We have all heard the glass-half-full versus glass-half-empty analogy for the different ways we view the world. While it may seem simplistic, there is something to this. It all comes down to the way you view reality, whether you see things through a positive lens or a negative lens.

When a health issue threatens both your physical and psychological wellness you have two ways to look at the situation:

  • You can choose to see yourself as a sick, weakened person; this only reinforces the negative impact of the illness on your quality of life.


  • You can choose to see yourself as a person with many gifts and plenty of potential who just happens to be dealing with a temporary health setback; this helps you rebound faster, while retaining a decent quality of life in the meantime.

The mind is incredibly powerful and can work for you or against you during times of trial, such as when dealing with a medical condition. Harness that power and use it as a potent source for healing.

5 Tips for Staying Positive Through a Serious Illness

Of course, it’s easy to say, “Keep a positive attitude,” but that isn’t always so easy to pull off, especially when you don’t feel well. Here are some handy tips to help you push through the hard days and get to the other side:

  1. Make an attitude adjustment. If you find your attitude resembles Eeyore more than Pooh, it is time to make a concerted effort to change your state of mind. Why not start a gratitude journal where you write down three things a day that you are grateful for? Really reflect on and immerse yourself in these blessings and allow yourself to feel the joy they bring you.


  1. Practice guided meditation. If you are struggling to find that elusive happy place, there are a multitude of guided meditation tracks available to help you make a mental journey to a calm, peaceful place. YouTube has a slew of these guided visualization tracks to choose from. If you prefer a smartphone app, just go to the App Store on your phone, type in “guided meditation” and scroll through the many options.


  1. Read inspiring books. When you face a difficulty like an illness or injury, you may benefit from some inspiring reading material. These may be books of a spiritual or religious nature, or they may be uplifting stories about people who have conquered a similar challenge. If you aren’t up to reading, download the audio book version on Audible and just listen.


  1. Get outside as much as possible. Being outdoors in itself is very healing. The fresh air and sunshine, plus all the lovely visuals that are gifts of nature—birds, butterflies, and flowers—will instantly improve your state of mind. If all you can do is sit outside on the back porch or have someone take you for a drive, that is enough to make a positive difference in your mindset.


  1. Surround yourself with positive people. Pay careful heed to the types of people you surround yourself with. It is of vital importance that you limit exposure to the Debbie Downers when you are ill. Instead, invite people over who are uplifting and positive, those who inspire a sense of hope.

While it is not always possible to be a tower of strength and stoicism when dealing with a health condition, you can still find plenty to be grateful for when you adopt a positive state of mind.

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