How to Stay Positive During a Health Crisis - Global Positive News
Stay Positive During a Serious Illness
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How to Stay Positive During a Health Crisis

When your carefree life is suddenly disrupted by a serious medical condition it can cripple your once positive state of mind. After receiving a difficult diagnosis, whether it is long covid, cancer, heart disease, or any illness, you may start to view yourself and life itself through a totally different prism than before. Instead of the healthy, active person you always were, now you see yourself as weak and sick.

While it is understandable to feel down after learning you have a serious health issue, that low mood can do more harm than good. So much of our physical and mental health is controlled by our attitude. To gain the upper hand and retain your positive nature, read on!

8 Tips to Help You Stay Positive During a Serious Illness

It is natural to want to curl up in a ball and feel sorry for ourselves when we hit a significant obstacle in life. Getting a scary health diagnosis is one of the most upsetting, unpredictable, and frightening things we can face. In what feels like an instant, life as we knew it can be turned completely on its head.

When battling a serious health crisis, you need all hands on deck. This means not only do you need reliable doctors and a sound treatment plan, but you also need to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind. Positivity has powerful healing properties, so try these eight tips to supercharge your return to wellness:

  1. Stay connected. While it’s perfectly natural that you may not be feeling all that social at the moment, do remain connected to a couple of close friends or family members. These are the relationships that will carry you through the health ordeal.


  1. Distract yourself. Instead of dwelling on your misery, try to distract yourself from this self-defeating tendency. Brainstorm some ideas and start a new project that is doable and manageable within the limitations of your condition.


  1. Find your tribe. During times of distress, it always helps to find others who can relate to what you are going through. Find a support group in your area to join, or check out Facebook groups that are geared toward your particular health challenge.


  1. Keep a gratitude journal. It is easy to see the world as bleak when you feel lousy and are frightened about what lies ahead. To offset those fears, force yourself to find three things a day that are positive and good, and then jot them down in a journal.


  1. Practice self-care. Send yourself a message that you are valued and worthy by practicing some self-care. Ask your doctor for some suggestions as far as what is safe to do, such as yoga. Also, download some meditations apps and practice mindfulness and guided imagery to help you relax and manage stress.


  1. Explore your spiritual side. It is a natural inclination to turn our eyes and minds skyward when we are faced with a health crisis. Immerse yourself in your spiritual side through books, online podcasts, and simple prayer to maintain a sense of hope.


  1. Revisit your passions. In the busyness of life it is common for us to neglect the things that once gave us much pleasure. When facing a medical event, it is the perfect time to revisit your love for art, music, theatre, or reading.


  1. See a therapist. If you find yourself sinking into the depths of depression or feeling very anxious about your health concerns, do seek out the professional support of a psychotherapist.


If you have been sidelined by an unexpected health event, don’t succumb to a negative mindset. Instead, do what it takes to keep your focus positive and hopeful as you persevere and ultimately conquer this challenge.

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