How to Set Realistic Goals for the New Year (and Accomplish Them) - Global Positive News
How to Set Realistic Goals for the New Year
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How to Set Realistic Goals for the New Year (and Accomplish Them)

Every January, we turn the page on the calendar to welcome a brand new year – a year we hope to be filled with an array of enriching experiences and new accomplishments. For many of us, that New Year’s hope gets quickly buried under the relentless distractions that fill our days, thwarting our ability to actually carve out a real plan for the year.

Well, this year why not make it a top priority to not let that happen? Allow this handy guide to help you jumpstart your year with not only realistic goal setting, but also some tips to actually bring them to fruition.

5 Suggestions for Setting Reachable Goals in the New Year

One of the biggest mistakes people make when making their New Year’s resolutions is setting the bar way too high. Remember, you want to challenge yourself to grow as a person this year, not to set yourself up for failure. Here are five ways to improve your chances of succeeding at meeting your goals:

    1. Keep the list of goals short. Listing too many goals is a surefire way to become overwhelmed and to just flat out give up. Sit down, close your eyes, and think about the three things you would like to accomplish this year. Just three.


    1. Write down your goals. Once you have decided on the three goals, make them tangible by writing them down. Flesh out the reasons for each goal; what is it you hope to gain by accomplishing them. Ask yourself how meeting these three goals will improve your life.


    1. Create benchmarks. Now, create a plan for reaching the goals. Keep the benchmarks simple and reachable so you feel empowered to keep moving forward as you cross each of them off your list.


    1. Make yourself accountable. It helps to choose a friend to confide in, to share with them your goals for this year. Ask them to reach out about every three months to see check on your progress. Peer pressure works.


    1. Reward yourself. No matter what your goals are, be sure to include some amazing rewards for yourself when you meet them. A day at a spa retreat, tickets to a concert, or a shopping spree. Give yourself a carrot to reach for.

5 Tips to Help You Accomplish those Goals

Now that you know how to set some achievable goals for the year, let’s look at how to improve your odds of actually accomplishing them. Consider these five helpful tips:

  1. Reduce distractions. The number one impediment to reaching your goals is, surprise, surprise, your smartphone. To truly give yourself a fighting chance of achieving your goals you will need better time management, especially by exercising control over social media, YouTube, and email, etc.


  1. Enlist a partner. Sometimes it is easier to push forward on your resolutions with a partner. Consider inviting a coworker or friend to join you in reaching for the same goals – whether it is establishing a new fitness regimen, learning a new hobby, or setting a new career goal.


  1. Practice self-care. You will not get very far if you aren’t taking care of yourself! Invest in yourself alongside your goals by improving your sleep quality, practicing relaxation techniques (mindfulness, yoga) getting enough exercise, and eating healthier.


  1. Enlist technology. There are smartphone apps that help you keep track of your goals and progress. For some extra support in your goal reaching quest, check out Productive or Strides.


  1. Stay positive. More than anything else, keeping a positive attitude is the one sure asset you have for sticking with your dreams and seeing them through. If you remind yourself daily that you can do it, that you are fully capable of reaching your goals, then you will be successful.

There you have it – a workable plan for starting the year off on a focused and productive footing. So, what are you waiting for? Now go and set the world on fire!



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