Cultivate Positivity Through Exploring Nature - Global Positive News
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Cultivate Positivity Through Exploring Nature

With most Americans spending over ten hours a day staring at a computer screen, it isn’t hard to understand why many of us feel there is something missing in our lives. Between our digital workdays, scrolling for hours on social media, and finishing the day with Netflix, there isn’t much time left to spend outside in nature. And that’s a real shame.

People need to connect with the natural world, even if it is just taking a thirty-minute walk each day. Spending time outdoors, listening to the birds sing and seeing the flowers bloom, can feed our very souls. Deprived of this time in nature, we become sullen. So, if you want to boost your mood state and become a more positive person, increase your time in nature.

How Nature Impacts Our Mood

It is a fact that being in nature contributes to our emotional and physical wellbeing. Who can deny how our hearts soar when witnessing a ruby red sunset or a glorious double rainbow, or how the sound of a waterfall literally melts your cares away? Nature has a powerful affect on our sensibilities in the following ways:

  • Nature is awe-inspiring. Remember the first time you gazed into the depths of the Grand Canyon or watched Old Faithful shooting water 150 feet in the air? Most likely you were filled with feelings of awe when witnessing the miracles of nature. But even the tiniest wonders, like a rosebud opening or a brilliant butterfly sailing by, is enough to inspire a sheer sense of awe.


  • Nature is healing. From the medicinal effects of ocean saltwater or the steaming sulphur hot springs, the earth provides abundant healing properties. Just being present in a beautiful natural setting can have healing effects. In fact, a study demonstrated just this, that patients with a pretty view out their window recovered faster than those whose windows faced a wall.


  • Nature is calming. Think about lying in a hammock with a soft breeze on your face, or listening to the lap of the waves at the seashore—how can you not find yourself in a calm, peaceful state of mind? Being outdoors in nature has a deeply soothing effect on us.


  • Nature is thrilling. Standing on the edge of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland and gazing 600 feet below on the crashing waves, or witnessing the volcanic eruptions on the Big Island of Hawaii are proof that nature is absolutely thrilling. When your sagging spirits need a reboot, just visit a natural wonder for some sheer thrills.


  • Nature is restorative. Spending time in nature gives our minds a rest. We can take a break from the demands of the day just by taking a leisurely daily walk. Inhale deeply as you pass by the row of pine trees or eucalyptus, closing your eyes and reveling in the scent. Smile when hearing the sweet songs of the birds serenading as you stroll by. Allow nature to restore your positive mood.

There is no need to take a road trip to Yellowstone or fly off to Hawaii to bear witness to the marvels of nature. No matter where you live, there is plenty of natural beauty to be found. So, make a point to get outside for at least a half hour a day to soak up the many benefits of nature—you’ll be glad you did.

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