How to Return to Positivity After a Divorce or Breakup - Global Positive News
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How to Return to Positivity After a Divorce or Breakup

Once the dust begins to settle after a breakup or divorce, you may find yourself feeling completely out of sorts. You are down in the dumps, lonesome, and may even be in a state of shock. Whether you were gobsmacked by the sudden end of your relationship that seemed to come out of nowhere, knew it was coming, or had even initiated the divorce yourself, there is no avoiding feeling disheartened and lost as a result.

Going through a divorce or bad breakup is seriously like grieving a death in many ways. It is so unsettling that it can cause you to question everything you once believed in. Along with the emotional devastation, there are practical matters involved as well, such as selling the home and relocating, which only add to the pain.

After a divorce, feeling depressed, lonely, disillusioned, and angry is quite common. Even the most positive person can feel dejected in the aftermath of divorce. If you are experiencing the end of a serious relationship or marriage, here are some helpful tips to help you return to your positive self.

8 Tips to Help You Bounce Back to Positivity After Divorce

While there is no magic formula to help you rebound from the loss of a significant relationship, there are some actions to take that will help you heal. Here are 8 things you can do to reclaim your positive mindset after a divorce or breakup:

  1. Take some time to regroup. Do not, repeat, not jump into a new relationship right away. Take six months to a year to rediscover who you are on your own before you consider seeking a new romance. Instead, work on yourself. You might even consider a new career path or decide to finish your college degree.


  1. Reach out for support. There is no way to sugarcoat it; the post-divorce period is rough. You may be struggling with depression, anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and insecurity. Enlist the help of a therapist to guide you through the healing process.


  1. Tend to your health. When you are sad and feeling lost and lonely, it is common to neglect your health. Make a real effort to consume healthy, nutritious foods. By choosing nourishing foods you’ll restore your strength while also protecting your mental health.


  1. Limit alcohol intake. This is no time to “drown your sorrows.” Alcohol is a depressant, which only makes you feel sluggish, foggy-headed, and emotional. It’s best to minimize exposure to alcohol, or any substances that, if abused, could become problematic.


  1. Take care of business. If you have gone through a divorce you are facing some big changes in your life. Do not ignore the need to face your new financial realities head on, and make sound decisions that ensure you are living within your means.


  1. Stay connected to friends. Your close friends will be your lifeline to sanity after a breakup or divorce. Fight the temptation to withdraw socially and make an effort to see your friends. See a movie, have lunch, take walks together and simply enjoy their company.


  1. Adopt a dog. There is abundant research that demonstrates the many benefits of owning a dog. A trusted dog can offer unconditional love while relieving feelings of loneliness. An added benefit is your dog will require daily walks, which gets you moving. Exercise is helpful for relieving stress and depression.


  1. Take up a new hobby. In the absence of your spouse’s presence, you may struggle to find ways to fill your spare time. This is a great time to explore a new hobby or learn a new skill—so, why not enroll in a cooking class or learn how to play pickleball?

As sad or disappointed as you might feel after the end of a marriage or relationship, realize that these feelings are the normal response to having endured a loss. Continue to remind yourself that you are resilient and will bounce back in time.

Remember that having a positive attitude is a choice you make. Choose to continue enjoying your life while seeking joy in the people and beauty all around you. In time, your positivity will be radiating light to all you encounter—and that is a very attractive asset that may just bring new love into your life.

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