Positive Things to do Amidst the Coronavirus - Global Positive News

Positive Things to do Amidst the Coronavirus

Take Care of Yourself and Others

The basic thing to be careful of is exposure to people who have traveled or have flu like symptoms. It is super important to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer every time you touch a doorknob, come in contact with other people or hard surfaces where germs could have landed (example restaurant tables).

It is important for us to stay positive and optimistic that there will be a cure and this pandemic will be over soon. It won’t do us any good if we are depressed and fearful. Besides, an optimistic positive attitude supports good overall health. Perhaps our best defense system.

It is best to stay close to home if you can. Here are some basic supplies to have on hand. See a list of resources below.

Basic Supplies to Have on Hand


Generally, people need 1 gal per day.


Long lasting, easy to store:

  • Beans and grains
  • Potatoes and other root vegetables, onions, garlic, cabbage
  • Hard squashes such as butternut, delcato, pumpkin
  • Dry spices
  • Canned broth and soups with pull tops
  • Beef or turkey jerky
  • Cans of dolmas, eggplant dip, hummus with pull top
  • Crackers, cereal, chips
  • Jared Pickled vegetables and salsas
  • Powdered or canned milk


Have 2 months’ supply of prescriptions

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • N95 Face masks, optional
  • Surgical gloves

Basic first aid kit

  • Bandages, gauze, antiseptic
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray or wipes
  • Baby wipes

Perhaps the best thing we can do to protect ourselves is to become educated about the virus and how to care for ourselves and others.

These are websites to obtain more up-to-date information and supplies

The positive news is that this may be a chance for us to do things we’ve been putting off for a long time.

  • Read a new book or your favorite old books
  • Clean out your closets and drawers
  • Clean the garage
  • Get disaster prepared
  • Exercise or start a new at home exercise routine
  • Write letters the old fashion way to people that have been on your mind.
  • Spruce up your garden for spring
  • Plan your vegetable garden
  • Prepare new food dishes at home you’d like to try
  • Make your own pickled vegetables
  • Make a list of all the places you want to travel to in the future.
  • Write that book you’ve been thinking about
  • Delve into your hobbies that you’ve been putting off
  • Seek out volunteer activities in the future
  • Update your family budget
  • Do your own pedicure or manicure
  • Watch the Discovery or Nature Channels
  • Watch old movies
  • Clean up your computer files
  • Update your computer
  • Do your taxes early

Share your positive tips at https://www.globalpositivenewsnetwork.com

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