The Importance of Keeping Company with Upbeat, Positive People - Global Positive News
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The Importance of Keeping Company with Upbeat, Positive People

Which type of person would you rather have “rub off on you” – someone positive, motivated, and joy-filled or surly, negative, and hopeless? Easy answer, right? Hands down, we prefer to be influenced by positive, upbeat people who inspire us to be our very best selves.

We humans are sensitive by nature. We easily pick up on a person’s positive or negative energy, and it can truly affect us. Notice the difference in your own mood when you spend time with someone who is happy and centered versus a person who is troubled and unhappy. The people you hang out with have the power to significantly impact your own life experience, so choose wisely.

5 Reasons to Surround Yourself with Positive People

Life is difficult enough without allowing toxic individuals into your sphere to make things even harder. Fortunately, as we wind through the years, we get better at detecting—and dodging—the drama queens who suck the air of the room wherever they go; people who latch on looking for someone to take advantage of; and fixer projects who we finally come to realize we cannot fix. In essence, as we mature we should refine our circle of friends to include only those who have a positive influence on our lives.

Consider these compelling reasons for populating your life with positive people:

  1. They set a positive example. Choosing to spend your time with productive people who go after their dreams can broaden your own horizons. Watching them attack goals and weather setbacks can blaze a trail for you to follow.


  1. They provide encouragement. When you surround yourself with the people who truly want you to succeed, you end up with a built-in support network. These are the folks who cheer you on and offer guidance along life’s journey.


  1. They increase your confidence. It is wonderful to have people in your life who believe in you, who point out your strengths and celebrate your talents. Their positive input helps you overcome your fears, and that results in a boost of self-confidence.


  1. They offer support during setbacks. Winding along the highway of life we are bound to hit some potholes. Whether it is a personal loss or a professional setback, having positive people in our court can help us right the ship and keep on going.


  1. They care about you. Spending your time with positive people, who seek nothing from you but your mutual friendship and respect, yields authenticity. These are the people in your life who truly have your best interests at heart.


It’s easy to identify the positive people in your own life. They are the ones that bring a smile to your face when you think of them, and with whom you actually want to spend your time. Treasure them.

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