Feed your Mind with Positivity and Reap the Rewards - Global Positive News
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Feed your Mind with Positivity and Reap the Rewards

With a constant stream of upsetting current events weighing us down, it is natural to absorb the worries of the world and sink into despair. Combat that tendency by adopting a positive mindset, and then enjoy all the benefits that come along with it.

What is Positivity?

When you hear the term positivity you may initially assume it refers to some sunny, yet elusive, trait that certain people are lucky to be born with. Not so fast! Positivity is not an inborn trait of the chosen few, but is, on the contrary, something that anyone can achieve.

Positivity is a practice, a conscious choice to apply a particular set of thoughts and actions to our daily activities. Practicing positivity means actively cultivating a positive mindset by responding to stimuli through a positive lens.

For example, you may want to learn a new skill—how to play the piano, to create an Excel spreadsheet, to learn a new language, or new job skill that could lead to a promotion—but are not confident in your ability to succeed at it. Instead of taking a negative approach, and shying away from the challenge because you believe you will fail, you embrace the new experience as an opportunity to learn something new. You envision yourself successfully practicing the new skill, and have full confidence in your ability to learn it.

The basic tenets of positivity can be applied to all areas of your life, including your relationships and your overall worldview. By practicing positivity, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how many ways it can improve the quality of your life.

Benefits of a Positive Outlook

The unfortunate fact is that it is much easier to default into negative thoughts and beliefs than to cultivate a positive attitude in life. With this understanding, consider these benefits of positivity to help inspire you to make the effort:

  • You will have better health. Stress is extremely damaging to our health. When we are stressed we release cortisol and adrenaline, which adversely impacts our immune system, cardiovascular system, and metabolic processing. By maintaining a positive attitude you’ll experience less stress.
  • You will be more resilient. Practicing positivity helps keep negativity in check to a large degree. This allows you to work through any challenges that come your way in a more balanced way. Keeping a positive outlook is akin to exercising your resilience “muscle,” which helps you avoid falling into despair.
  • You will attract others to you. Our body language and attitudes have the power to either repel or attract people. People naturally gravitate toward those who project positivity. Positive people tend to smile more and make eye contact, which is attractive to others.
  • You will be more empathetic. Positive people are more apt to lean into situations where they can be of service to others, instead of avoiding them. They are compassionate and empathetic, wanting to offer solutions and support to those in need.
  • You will live longer. The mind is a powerful organ and can truly influence our health, even adding years to our lives. So says a study that cites results from following 660 study participants for 23 years. Those with a positive attitude toward aging lived 7.5 years longer.

Of course, there is no escaping occasional disappointments, setbacks, or losses. Life never spares us from the full range of human suffering. But by nurturing a positive outlook in general, you will be much better emotionally equipped to weather life’s difficulties.

5 Tips to Cultivate Positivity in your Life

To increase positivity in your own life, try practicing these 5 simple tips:

  1. Smile more. Make a conscious effort to smile at people as you wind through your days. To help motivate more smiles, minimize exposure to negative news and feed your mind with positivity
  2. Keep a gratitude journal. Make it a practice to regularly take note of the blessings in your life by keeping a gratitude journal. Gratitude helps you bump up the positive and minimize the negative.
  3. Establish healthy habits. It is hard to feel happy and positive if you don’t get adequate sleep, nutrition, or exercise. Commit to a healthy lifestyle to amp up your positivity vibe.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. We are very much influenced by the people we spend time with. Start culling the Debbie Downers from your sphere and invite in some more Happy Helens.
  5. Convene with nature. Nothing boosts your overall mood like soaking in the majestic beauty of nature. Take a nature hike, learn a water sport, take up nature photography, or visit the flower farms.

Positivity doesn’t mean walking around with a dazzling smile fixed on your face all day. Instead, positivity is a frame of mind, a choice you make to see life through the lens of hope.

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