How To Manage Depression During the Holidays - Global Positive News
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How To Manage Depression During the Holidays

The holidays are upon us, that time to eat, drink, and be merry with abandon. As much as you might be looking forward to the fun and frivolity ahead, sometimes a bout of depression can threaten to spoil the spirit of the season. Let’s discuss some fabulous ways to kick that unwelcome intruder – depression – to the curb so that you can truly revel in the holiday season this year.

Why Does Depression Emerge During the Holidays?

The holiday season is a joyful, festive time of year, engaging people of all ages to immerse themselves in its special traditions, music, foods, and celebrations. The holidays may also, unfortunately, trigger pangs of sadness and loneliness, or worsen symptoms if you already struggle with depression. Why is that?

There are many ways that the holidays can spark feelings of sadness, stress, or isolation. See if any of these ring true with you:

  • Loss. During the holiday season, nostalgic memories of the past may worsen any feelings of grief or loss you might be experiencing. If you have recently lost a loved one, gone through a divorce, or become estranged from a family member, it is likely that painful emotions related to the loss are exacerbated at Christmas time.


  • Isolation. If you already struggle with loneliness, the holidays tend to highlight feelings of isolation and aloneness. Surrounded by nonstop commercial messaging promoting festive parties and holiday gatherings only makes you feel left out and sad.


  • Seasonal Depression. Some might experience a type of wintertime depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is more prevalent in northern regions that have shorter daylight hours. The lack of sunlight causes vitamin D deficiency, which has been found to contribute to the symptoms of depression.

How to Shift Your Mindset Toward Joy

When confronted with the holiday blues, you might be surprised to learn that the most powerful coping tool for combatting this condition is your own mind. It is truly astounding to learn how making a simple change in your mindset can empower you to slay those negative emotions.

Mindvalley is an excellent resource for transforming negativity into a positive mindset.  Whatever it is that might be bringing you down during the holidays, or at any time of year, you’ll be sure to find a Mindvalley personal growth track or meditation app that applies. Check out The Art of Happiness and start your personal transformation today.

6 Ways to Manage Depression During the Holidays

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year for making happy memories with family and friends – except when it isn’t. If you find yourself struggling with a bout of the blues that threatens to sabotage this year’s merrymaking, then consider putting these helpful tips into action:

  1. Get Moving. Science is unanimous in proclaiming exercise to be nature’s greatest antidepressant. Physical activity stimulates endorphins, those feel-good brain chemicals. In addition, exercise produces serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine to also boost mood and reduce stress.


  1. Volunteer. Nothing fills your heart and lifts your spirit like helping others. Being of service is one of the best ways to find purpose and fulfillment, whether you’re helping at a local pet shelter, a soup kitchen, a food panty, or a community clean up campaign.


  1. Find Creative Outlets. If you’ve been feeling down but aren’t quite ready to talk about it yet, consider expressing your emotions artistically. There is a multitude of media to help you explore your feelings on paper, from acrylics to oils to watercolor to charcoal.


  1. Stay Connected. Even if you’re not feeling especially social at the moment, try to push past that barrier and connect with your closest friend or family member anyway. Just a short conversation over the phone or lunch at a favorite restaurant is enough to keep you from slipping into isolation mode.


  1. Practice Self-Care. The demands of the season can absolutely take a toll on mental wellness. Don’t hesitate to pamper yourself with a nice relaxation massage or a deluxe pedicure. To de-stress, sign up for a yoga class followed by a hot bath with essential oils, candlelight, and soothing music.


  1. Get in the Spirit. To ignite the Christmas spirit, it helps to take note of the spiritual meaning of the holiday season. Watch It’s a Wonderful Life or A Charlie Brown Christmas for inspiration. Embrace traditions like going caroling, baking holiday cookies, and driving around the neighborhood to check out the lights.

Of course, if your symptoms of depression persist or worsen during the holidays, it is important to schedule a visit with a therapist. Sometimes it takes professional support and guidance to be able to return to your old positive self, so do not hesitate to seek help.

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