Living Your Extraordinary Life - Global Positive News
Living Your Extraordinary Life
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Living Your Extraordinary Life

How many of us dream of starting our own business or going back to school for an advanced degree but never take the first step to achieving these goals? Or, maybe our lofty aspirations are about personal growth, learning a new skill, setting some new fitness goals, or starting a new social movement – have we made any effort to go after those either?

Chances are like most of us, you dream big dreams but find yourself stuck in “park,” never putting your self-growth vehicle into drive. In many cases, the reason for this can be summed up in one word: fear. We fear failure, we fear the unknown, we fear the hard work that it takes to achieve our dreams.

Living your extraordinary life, however, will only become a reality if you take the necessary steps to break free from the thoughts that keep you stuck in park. If you truly want to expand your horizons and grow as a human being, read on.

Check Your Mindset: Are Your Thoughts Holding You Back?

We are all aware of how important it is to establish healthy habits, like getting regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and eating nutritious foods. A healthy mind, body, and spirit are absolutely essential to overall wellbeing and the ability to lead a productive life.

But, what about our mindsets? How much does our state of mind or consciousness contribute to achieving an extraordinary life?

Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of the Mindvalley personal transformation program, has identified four levels of consciousness. These are the mindsets that control our decision-making and actions:

Level 1: Awareness of the culturescape. This level is where most of us reside. At Level 1, we are aware of and accept our cultural norms, practices, and expectations, and don’t question society’s definitions of career, love, and success.

Level 2: The awakening. Entering Level 2, we start to question the beliefs and ideologies we’d been taught. We begin to consider forging our own unique life journey that is defined by our personal thoughts and beliefs, not necessarily society’s.

Level 3: The state of limitless. Level 3 involves defining your purpose and unique mission in life. This is the state of discovery, of exploring avenues to growth and deciding how you want to go about living out your purpose.

Level 4: Becoming extraordinary. Level 4 is the state of consciousness to strive for, although it is not easily attained. At this level, you feel a sense of confidence and certainty about your path to success, and acquire a deep love for humanity and all forms of life.

How to Rise Above Obstacles

Our minds are very powerful and have the potential to launch us toward greatness if we can just channel that energy toward overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. So what types of obstacles might trip us up? Consider these:

  • Being resistant to change
  • Becoming overwhelmed
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Pushing yourself too hard too soon
  • Lacking support

If you recognize some barriers that prevent you from realizing your dreams and ambitions, you are in good company. The good news is that there are methods you can access to push through these challenges and continue on your path to growth. Try these actions:

  1. Define your goals so you have a clear roadmap to your destination
  2. Find a mentor or accountability partner to keep you moving forward
  3. Seek information and get educated about the specific mission you are on
  4. Create an action plan, set milestones, and record your progress every day

Four Steps to Create Your Best Life

According to Lifebook founders Jon and Missy Butcher, there are four tried-and-true methods to propel your personal development quest:

  1. Take an honest assessment of your life. Take a hard look at all areas of your life: health and fitness, spirituality, social life, financial life, career, relationships, and emotional life. Jot down the strengths and weaknesses in each facet of your life.


  1. Visualize your ideal future. Continue forward towards your goals by visualizing your purpose and destination. Ask yourself where you want to be, what kind of person do you want to become, what do you want to do for a living, and how do you want to feel.


  1. Define your “why.” Ask yourself what is driving your journey towards a new purpose or mission. Flesh out which forces ignite and motivate you towards making these changes in your life.


  1. Make an action plan. Return to the visualization step and create an action plan for achieving those dreams. Don’t overwhelm yourself! Just list a few small steps you can take to move toward the outcomes you have envisioned for your life.

Thankfully, there is a helpful personality development tool to help us achieve our dream of living an extraordinary life. Check out the MindValley Masterclass and start your personal transformation today.

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