Hero Leaves his Birthday Celebration to Rescue Frightened Dog from East River - Global Positive News
Hero saves dog from river
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Hero Leaves his Birthday Celebration to Rescue Frightened Dog from East River

Panic hits a 2-year old dog when she found herself stranded in the chilly waters of the East River in New York in the middle of her stroll with her pet sitter. Thanks to the heroism of the man who was celebrating his birthday nearby, the dog was saved from what could have been the end of her life!

Harper is a two year old dog who was taking a nice stroll in Brooklyn when her pet sitter got hit by a cab that had run through a stop sign. Though the pet sitter only suffered minor injuries, Harper, out of panic, took off and rushed through the river.

Meanwhile, Gabe Castellanos was celebrating his birthday with a couple of friends on the Brooklyn Barge when they caught sight of Harper paddling for her life in the East River. At first, Castellanos thought the dog was only out for a swim until he realized that Harper was swimming farther away from the pier. That’s when he realized that he needed to do something.

Because Castellanos is a graduate from SUNY Maritime College, this incident was perfect  for his skills. Without hesitation, he abandoned his birthday celebration and jumped into the river to rescue poor Harper. His determination to save her pushed him to continue until he managed to steer her back to the edge of the river. Because the dog was frightened, she bit her hero on the hand and face.

“She caught me there with her upper canines and her lower jaw hit me right square in the front teeth,” Castellanos shared with Inside Edition. He also added that one of his front teeth that was chipped in the process and had been replaced with a temporary fake tooth.

He didn’t hold it against Harper. “I was like, ‘Aw it’s alright, I needed teeth work anyway,” he added.

Harper’s owner, Erin O’Donnell, was very thankful to the kindness shown by Castellanos who said that he would do the same act again even if it wasn’t his pet.

“I’m forever grateful for having him be there at the right place at the right time,” O’Donnell shared with CBS New York. She also sent her well wishes to Castellanos hoping he’s feeling better.

To some, dogs are just pets, or just animals. But to others, they are family and best friends. And this rescue story right here is one amazing example of how we can reciprocate the unconditional love and loyalty dogs show for humans. Even if we don’t have the chance to do a similar act, there are plenty of other ways we can show them love and compassion. All we have to do is to look around.

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