GPNN Update from Kristi - Global Positive News
The Key to Success is Simple

GPNN Update from Kristi

Hello GPNN followers!

First of all, I want to thank you for staying positive! I love all of your feedback and comments.

I wanted to reach out to you to stay positive in these uncertain times. There are a few things that I’m implementing in my life to stay positive, and they are:

  1. Take care of yourself and others by practicing the 6’ distance rule, wearing gloves and a facemask in public, washing your hands.
  2. Don’t go overboard on the main media news sites. It is important to stay informed, however, too much scary news is not healthy or productive. I watch the main media for a few minutes in the morning and in the afternoon.
  3. Make a list of 3 things you are grateful for each morning.
  4. Move, dance, walk, exercise is medicine, especially during times of stress.
  5. Be happy and grateful for what you do have!

We at GPNN would love to know what positive news or tips you have to share. We are having a positive drawing. To enter submit your positive news and/or tips and tag 5 of your friends on Instagram to be entered into this fun contest. You will receive a free GPNN tee shirt. The deadline to enter this contest is midnight March 30th

  1. I invite you to go to our website at to submit your positive news.
  2. Tag 5 of your friends saying that you have done this on Instagram at Global Positive News.

Do this by midnight, March 30th!

I can’t wait to see your positive news and tips.

Together let’s make this world more positive!!!!

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