Google Maps’ Latest Features Include Information and Alerts to Travel Safely While Social Distancing
Google Maps’ Latest Features Include Information and Alerts to Travel Safely While Social Distancing
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Google Maps’ Latest Features Include Information and Alerts to Travel Safely While Social Distancing

With the health and safety of the public put at risk because of Covid-19, new social norms are being adopted. Stringent preventive measures, rules on social distancing, and mandates to wear masks in public are strictly implemented. Indeed, almost nothing is the same.

A lot of the things we had grown used to and once considered normal have changed – traveling included. In the past few months, we’ve experienced how difficult it’s become to travel. Especially when using public transit. 

Fortunately for us, Google Maps now includes features that offer helpful information and alerts to help us stay safe when traveling. Some of the new alerts include not only mandates on mask-wearing and social distancing. It also offers predictions of passenger count and hours when a specific area is likely to be most crowded.  

So whether you’re getting around by public transportation or by private car, you can make use of the information provided by Google Maps. With the new features, you can get directions for a trip to places that are affected by Covid-19. This will help prepare you for possible mandates from the government.

At present, these transit alerts are already available in Argentina, Belgium, Australia, Brazil, France, Colombia, India, Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, Thailand, United States, and the United Kingdom. The list of countries is expected to expand with time.

According to Google, part of the alerts they’re introducing aim to notify travelers about checkpoints and Covid-19 restrictions along your route. 

We’re also introducing driving alerts to notify you about COVID-19 checkpoints and restrictions along your route, like when crossing national borders (starting first in Canada, Mexico and the U.S.). You’ll see an alert on the directions screen and after starting navigation if your route is impacted by these restrictions.”

They also said that this update is designed to help essential workers safely travel to and from work. Moreover, requirements and eligibility information when driving to Covid-19 testing centers, hospitals, and medical facilities are also included. 

When navigating to medical facilities or COVID-19 testing centers, we’ll display an alert reminding you to verify eligibility and facility guidelines to avoid being turned away or causing additional strain on the local healthcare system. Starting this week, alerts for medical facilities will be available in Indonesia, Israel, the Philippines, South Korea, and the U.S., and testing center alerts will be available in the U.S.”

The outbreak of the coronavirus has certainly altered the way people move and travel. And because situations vary in different places and countries in the world, the laws and regulations also vary. Thanks to the help of advanced technologies like Google Maps, we have access to the most pertinent information right at the tips of our fingers!

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