How to Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep - Global Positive News
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How to Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep you are in good company! Sleep disorders happen to be one of the top complaints heard within the four walls of a doctor’s office. In fact, sleep disorders affect up to a whopping 30% of U.S. adults, and up to 48% of older adults.

The gold standard of getting 7-8 hours of quality slumber each night seems to be out of reach for many of us. We all notice the difference in how we feel when we do happen to get a good night’s sleep versus a fitful one, so what steps can we take to improve our sleep quality, and in turn, improve our mood and outlook?

Some Facts About Sleep

The circadian rhythm, or the internal clock regulated by the hormones melatonin and cortisol, keeps us alert during the day and sleepy at night. Our bodies are hardwired to follow this sleep cycle for a reason. This down time allows our cells to regenerate and our brains to take a much-deserved break, preparing us for a productive day ahead.

Not getting sufficient sleep can lead to mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, which contributes to a more difficult time functioning in daily life. When we are sleep deprived we have trouble making decisions, are moody and grumpy, are more prone to accidents, and don’t manage stress very well at all.

Fortunately, there are some effective non-pharmaceutical interventions that can improve our sleep quality. A few simple lifestyle tweaks can also help us get sounder, more durable sleep. Read on to learn some tried and true tips to getting a better night’s sleep.

6 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Although about 9 million U.S. adults regularly resort to popping a sleeping pill to improve their sleep, taking a prescription sedative is not always the safest route to take. Instead of relying on a drug to get your Zzzzs, why not consider these natural options:

    1. Improve your sleep space. The more comfortable and sleep-friendly your bedroom is, the better you will sleep. Consider a new mattress if the one you have is lumpy or lacks support. Try a white noise machine to cancel any noise distractions. Use a sleep mask or get blackout curtains to reduce light in your room.
  1. Stick to a schedule. Decide on a sleep schedule and stick to it consistently. This allows your body’s circadian rhythm to become regulated as it adheres to the predictable schedule.
  2. Use aromatherapy. Essential oils have powerful relaxation properties, especially lavender, rose, bergamot, and ylang ylang oils. Add a few drops into a warm bath before bedtime, or use a diffuser in your room to help you get to a calm, sleepy state.
  3. Guided meditation. Try the handy smartphone meditation apps, such as Calm, Headspace, and Slumber that can lull you into a relaxed, sleep-ready state using a guided imagery script.
  4. Make some lifestyle tweaks. Commit to improving your ability gain restful sleep by: Shutting down smartphones and laptops an hour before bed – and to read instead, avoid caffeine after 3:00pm, avoid
    heavy meals after 7:00pm, and avoid alcohol before bedtime.
  5. Natural supplements. There are several supplements that help induce sleep, including L-theanine, valerian root, melatonin, GABA, 5-HTTP, and ashwagandha. Sipping a cup of chamomile tea is also helpful in promoting sleep.

Now that you have all the tools needed to significantly improve your sleep quality, it’s time to enjoy the payoffs! See how getting that restful, restorative slumber on a regular basis helps to improve your whole attitude.

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