Fueling Positivity through Creative Activities - Global Positive News
Fueling Positivity through Creative Activities
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Fueling Positivity through Creative Activities

Sometimes, like it or not, we might find ourselves feeling grumpy and downcast. Maybe we are stuck in a rut and are simply bored with our lives, or maybe our troubles are weighing us down. Whatever the reason for the negativity, it can be overridden by adding some creativity to your life.

When you decide to get those creative juices flowing, you will notice a positive change in your attitude almost immediately. Exploring creative outlets allows our souls to come bubbling up to the surface for some much needed nourishment. Creativity feeds our souls, inspiring us, and leading us to discover amazing new insights, talents, and interests. So, if you are in need of a little emotional boost, why not explore the artistic realm?

3 Ways that Creativity Boosts Mental Health

Believe it or not, exercising your creative chops is very good for your brain and, ultimately, for your mental health. Consider these ways that creativity boosts a sense of positivity:

  1. An outlet for stress. Engaging in artistic activities can be a powerful stress-reducer. Physically active creative pursuits like dancing or singing that engage both the mind and the body, or repetitive activities like knitting or coloring, help settle the brain down and bring about a feeling of relaxation and contentment.


  1. Increases self-esteem. Nothing sparks positivity like the feeling of accomplishment. Whether you master a new instrument, get a blog published, or learn how to dance the Two Step, you will surely experience a sense of satisfaction and a boost in self-confidence.


  1. Improves your mood. Immersing yourself in a creative pursuit forces you to focus on the activity and forget your troubles, which improves mood. Also, music and dance have a direct, positive impact on your mind state as they cause the brain to release the “feel good” chemicals, dopamine and endorphins.

Try These Creative Pursuits

Here are some artistic activities to explore:

  • Art classes. Sign up for a painting, drawing, ceramics, or photography class to unleash your untapped artistic talents.


  • Join a choir. Maybe you sang in the school choir back in the day and truly loved it. Seek out and join a community or church choir and remember how much joy singing brings to your life.


  • Creative writing. Not all creativity is visual. Consider honing your writing skills by starting a blog, or take it to the next level and self-publish a novel. Creative writing allows your imagination to run free with the use of words and ideas.


  • Aficionados of crochet. Knitting, and needlepoint swear by the relaxation effects of needlework. Get creative with patterns and colorful yarns for your next project.


  • Jewelry making or crafts. Stroll the aisles of Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and get inspired to create crafts or jewelry. Who knows, maybe you’ll even wind up opening an Etsy shop where you can sell your creations.


  • Take dance lessons. Maybe the last time you danced was at a wedding in 1995—and you simply miss it. Why not sign up for salsa lessons, or learn how to Two Step, or even just join a local Zumba dance-cardio class? You’ll be smiling in no time.


  • Learn a new instrument. If you want to stir your soul, consider learning to play a new musical instrument. Whether you sign up for piano lessons, decide to tackle the violin, or are drawn to the saxophone, the music you make will fuel positivity.

What If I am Not an Artsy Type?

So, how do you unlock your creative side when you’re not particularly artsy? No problem! There are plenty of semi-creative avenues to explore that have the same net effect as a purely artistic endeavor. Why not sign up for a cooking class, where you might be encouraged to get a little creative with spices, or explore the cool filters on your smartphone camera when taking photos of your pets?

Don’t pressure yourself to become an artist when that is just not your thing. Instead, find a new interest or hobby to explore, and see how it, too, will fuel positivity in your life.


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