Don’t Allow Stress to Steal Your Smile - Global Positive News
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Don’t Allow Stress to Steal Your Smile

It is very hard – no, pretty much impossible – to have an upbeat positive attitude when you are all twisted up in a big ball of stress. Of course, stress is a normal part of daily life and there is no way to be an adult on the planet without experiencing it. However, when stress becomes so burdensome that it harms your health, your mental health, and your attitude it is time to rein it in.

How Stress Adversely Impacts Our Health

When we experience something that triggers stress or anxiety, it causes our body to ignite the fight or flight response. This is that jolt you feel when you are faced with something you perceive as threatening or makes you feel a loss of control. When we encounter these stress-inducing moments, the brain releases the stress chemicals cortisol and adrenaline.

When this happens only occasionally, it is not harmful at all. The fight or flight response is part of our DNA and signals us to take action – either to remove ourselves from the threatening event or to power through it.

However, when we are constantly feeling scared, worried, and stressed out, the excess cortisol in our system can be damaging to our health. Chronic stress can result in heart disease, hypertension, and a weakened immune system. It can also adversely impact our mental health, leading to anxiety disorder and even substance abuse.

Recognize the Signs of Stress in Your Life

Some signs that you are stressed out and your positivity is being robbed include:

·      Sleep problems

·      Irritability

·      Chronic headaches

·      Gastrointestinal conditions, nausea, diarrhea

·      Mood swings

·      Difficulty concentrating

·      Being jumpy or on edge

·      Muscle tension, clenched jaw, shallow breathing

·      Irrational feelings of worry, fear, or dread

·      Weight loss or gain

·      Using alcohol to calm your nerves

8 Stress Management Tips

To reclaim your peace of mind and reinstate your joyful, positive nature, consider these helpful stress management techniques:

1.     Learn to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness trains us to focus on the present moment and the sensations around that moment. It teaches us to shift stressful, upsetting thoughts back to the present moment, and to focus on our breathing.


2.     Practice yoga. Yoga is a mind/body activity that has a positive impact on both mental health and physical health. Each executed movement and pose increases flexibility and strength, while the focused-breathing reduces stress.


3.     Get moving. Regular exercise, especially cardio activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, or dancing, does wonders to reduce tension and anxiety. Physical activity also enhances sleep quality and boosts your mood.


4.     Guided meditation. Use smartphone apps, like Headspace, Calm, or Breathe, to take a little vacation in your mind through guided meditation scripts. Follow the prompts that use mental imagery and enjoy the state of peaceful calm that results.


5.     Grounding. Use the earth’s natural electrical energy to reduce the effects of stress. Grounding activities include walking barefoot, or spending time standing in the sand, the grass, or even the dirt to connect therapeutically with the earth.


6.     Plant a garden. Planting and nurturing a garden is very therapeutic and relaxing. Try planting a little vegetable garden this summer, such as beets, spinach, peppers, turnips, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.


7.     Deep breathing techniques. Focused breath-work provides immediate relief from anxiety and stress and can be practiced anywhere at anytime. Within minutes you will notice that your heart rate and breathing rate are reduced.


8.     Take up a hobby. Focusing on a new hobby or creative activity gets your mind off your troubles. Consider crafting, plein air painting, making jewelry, or taking up photography to cultivate your passions and reduce stress.

Even though stress is a normal part of life, you don’t have to allow it to spoil your positivity. The idea is to learn how to recognize when stress is getting the better of you, and then to pivot toward stress-reducing activities. Just watch – your positive attitude will be restored before you know it.



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