Dog Lover Walks around Mexico Rescuing Hundreds of Sick and Injured Dogs
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Dog Lover Walks around Mexico Rescuing Hundreds of Sick and Injured Dogs

To many of us, dogs aren’t just ordinary animals. They are our best friends, they’re part of the family.   A humble man and certified dog lover from Mexico has just shown what it really means to love and care for dogs.

Edgardo Zuñiga Juarez, also known as Edgardo Perros, was seen walking around the small Mexican town of Mazunte, Oaxaca by Stuart Williams as he was driving out of the town. Edgardo was pushing a trolley along the road while the dogs surrounded him. Some dogs were on top of his trolley, some were in front of him, while others were trailing from behind. What was he doing?  He was saving injured and sick pooches, feeding and nursing them back to health. 

This has been the life of Edgardo, who has been labeled as the “Savior of Dogs”. He has been doing this every day of his life for the past six years.  So far, Edgardo has already helped almost 500 dogs. 

“Dogs were on top of his trolley. Dogs were behind him, in front of him and by his side. Tails were wagging furiously, barks were sounding and he just kept pushing his trolley through the heat,” Willams told GNN.

Edgardo informed Wiliams that he has traveled almost the entire perimeter of Mexico to save needy canines on the streets, even when all that he had was a makeshift buggy. He walked for about 14,000 kilometers with only one goal each day:  to give homeless dogs the help they need. 

Williams was inspired by the story of Edgardo and his big heart  for the helpless pooches.

“No one helps dogs living homeless on the road,” 49-year-old Edgardo told the photographer. “This is where I saw their pain.”

“I was inspired by others who worked for animal rights,” he said in a video taken by Williams, “before the laws against animal abuse even existed.”

The journey of Edgardo started in a small town in Mexico’s central Pacific coast called Bucerias. Then he headed up north, and then down and back up at the Baja peninsula. Edgardo  has three dogs of his own, who have been with him since his journey began six years ago. When Edgardo rescues dogs in terrible condition, he chooses to keep them company “until in a natural way, they rest” he said. 

As of today, Edgardo  only has 1,432 kilometers left to travel before he finally reaches his goal. As soon as he finishes his mission, Edgardo and his dogs will stay near Mexico City, where he will continue his mission of saving more furry companions and making a difference. While he acknowledges that he also needs help to continue his journey, he also hopes younger generations draw inspiration from his experience  and will exhibit the same love and compassion towards animals. 

The story of Edgardo is a perfect example of how we should treat not only dogs but all animals. They are living creatures, too, who deserve love and kindness.

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