Changing Your Surroundings Can Yield Many Positive Benefits - Global Positive News
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Changing Your Surroundings Can Yield Many Positive Benefits

Selling your house and moving to a totally new state takes guts, especially for a single woman. I can say from my personal experience, it is an arduous task to pack up your whole life and start over in an unfamiliar place. The nice surprise is that all the hard work involved in making such a big move can yield some pretty amazing rewards.

Consider the Reasons for Moving

So, why on earth would anyone want to go to all the trouble to move to another state, or even across the country? Turns out there are many reasons why someone would consider a big move to parts unknown. These might include:

  • A job offer. One of the most common reasons that would instigate a move is receiving a job offer. People often move for employment purposes, such as when an employer relocates to another state or when receiving a juicy job offer out of state.


  • Following family. If you have close family members who trail-blaze to another state, you might be inclined to do the same in order to keep the family connected. It also is very common for retired grandparents to relocate to wherever the grandkids live.


  • Politics. Nowadays, people refer to various states as being a “red state” or a “blue state.” With states becoming increasingly defined by the local politics, it has driven people to move to a state with a political climate they are better aligned with.


  • Climate. Perhaps you have raised your family in a harsh climate, like the northeast or upper mid-west, and then decide to move to a warmer locale after the kids have moved on. It is very common for retirees to move to the Sun Belt to live out their twilight years without having to shovel snow.


  • A fresh start. Some folks decide to make a big move after going through a difficult chapter in life. They may have lost a loved one, a job, or slogged through a divorce and simply want a fresh start.

Pros and Cons of Making a Big Move

As appealing as it sounds to start fresh in a new town or state, moving can come at a steep price, both financially and emotionally. Consider some of the pros and cons of making a big move before taking the leap:


  • Forces you out of your comfort zone
  • Offers new opportunities for career or volunteering
  • Allows for personal growth and lets you reboot your positive attitude


  • Leaving loved ones behind
  • Moving can be quite expensive
  • Making a big move is stressful and exhausting

Surprising Benefits of Moving and Starting Over in a New Place

For me, navigating the challenges of a cross-country move was the right decision made at the right time. Moving is definitely a balancing act between the pain of leaving friends and family members while seeking a whole new life experience. Here are some of the benefits I’ve discovered since moving across the country:

  1. A slower pace. I moved away from the hustle-bustle of CA, with all the traffic and the fast-paced lifestyle, and am embracing life in a mid-size town that truly resembles Mayberry from The Andy Griffith Show. People here are not in a rush, and that allows time for making authentic connections and having real conversations.


  1. A simpler life. Along with that slower pace comes a much simpler lifestyle. People here in TN just do not care about whether you have a Pinterest-perfect home or if you wear stylish clothes to the grocery store. Heck, I sometimes wear the same outfit three days in a row and nobody here cares. Instead of feeling stressed out, I languish on the front porch, sipping my tea and watching all the beautiful birds passing by.


  1. Four seasons. Being a native Californian, I have never experienced the four seasons. I braced myself for the worst and have been happily surprised. Having distinct seasons is very therapeutic, as you can literally feel the season changing and start looking forward to the next one. Here in TN we have crazy thunderstorms and occasional tornadoes, which does add to the weather drama.


  1. New friends. One of the biggest surprises about uprooting and leaving all my friends is how easy it has been to form new friendships. I am blessed with wonderful, caring neighbors, and have made friends at the gym, the church, and even at weekly Trivia Night games. On a regular basis my new friends join me at concerts, comedy shows, and various local events. Meanwhile, my CA friends have been coming for visits, so I am enjoying both my gold and silver friends.


  1. Lower cost of living. I moved from SoCal to TN because my daughter and her family (my three grandkids) moved here first. They were able to buy a nice roomy home on a half-acre versus the cramped condo they rented in CA. As a long-time homeowner, I cashed out of CA real estate and bought a darling place for half of what I sold my condo for. Property taxes are literally one-sixth of CA, so now I am in a much sounder financial position for retirement.


  1. Discovery. Part of the fun of planting yourself in a totally different region is discovering all the beautiful sights and features it offers. Learning about the local history and exploring nature in a new state expands your mind and enhances your overall life experience.

If you are in a rut and pine for some new adventures, do consider a move to a new state. If you choose to embrace change with a positive attitude and a desire for personal growth, you will not regret taking that leap of faith.

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