When your daily laundry list of to-dos gets you stuck in the spin cycle, you might just be heading for something referred to as “burnout.” Because of the fast-paced world we all live in, any of us is vulnerable to burning out.
Now for the good news: Fortunately, there are some clever ways to improve your work-life balance that help you to still be productive and positive without burning yourself out. If your life feels a bit out of control and you find yourself struggling with the symptoms of burnout, do yourself a favor and read on.
What is Burnout?
Most adults try with all their might to juggle the mélange of demands that seem to come from every corner of life. Burnout is a condition that can result from long-term physical and mental exhaustion.
The cause of that exhaustion varies for each individual, but usually involves relentless workplace demands, full-time caregiving, a rigorous academic schedule, parenting young children – or any combination of the above. In an effort to “do it all” we eventually reach a tipping point and end up so stressed and tired that we simply stop caring. That is burnout.
Signs & Symptoms of Burnout
Each of us has our own unique capacity to manage daily stressors, but even the most organized, goal-oriented person can still reach their limits and hit burnout.
The telltale signs of burnout may include:
- Lethargy or fatigue
- Irritability
- Impatience
- Feelings of detachment towards the source of the stress
- Apathy
- Chronic headaches, digestive issues, or physical weakness
- Declining performance at work
- Negative feelings towards job, management, or fellow coworkers
- Sleep problems
- Changes in eating habits; weight gain or loss
- Stressed relationships; social withdrawal
- Substance abuse
How Burnout Harms Positivity
Let’s face it, when we are consumed by chronic stress we tend to become grouchy and negative. Being burned out also means we usually aren’t sleeping well, and that surely doesn’t help our mood. Plus, because of the multiple demands we’re juggling, we have no time for our hobbies or interests, which makes us downright surly.
Burnout and positivity are simply incompatible. The only way to protect our positive attitude is to get a handle on all that stress and start to make some changes. In fact, once we rework the way we deal with everything on our plates, our sunny natures will most definitely bubble back to the surface.
How to Meet Your Goals and Avoid Burnout
Fortunately, there are some tried and true actions we can take to stop burnout in its tracks. It starts, though, with an important realization: We are not perfect beings so we should not expect to be perfect at everything. Let’s dump that perfectionism right at the outset.
Try these handy tips to wrestle burnout to the ground:
- Improve Organizational Skills. Undeveloped organizational skills can lead to wasted time throughout the day, which ramps up stress levels as we try to catch up. Start the day with a realistic to-do list that prioritizes the items from top to bottom. Methodically complete one task at a time while mindfully avoiding distractions.
- Set Benchmarks. Feelings of exhaustion often result from trying to complete all tasks all at once. Instead of attempting to plow through every task, try setting incremental benchmarks to be met throughout the day, breaking the project into manageable chunks.
- Tune into Your Mental Health. It is easy to get so wrapped up in work, parenting, caregiving, or school that we might not be aware of the toll it is taking on our mental health. Pause and reflect on how you are feeling. Anxious? Depressed? Overwhelmed? Do not hesitate to meet with a mental health professional if the condition persists.
- Use Relaxation Apps. Learning how to relax your mind and body becomes a key tool for managing unrelenting demands for our time. Mindvalley provides a large catalogue of relaxation and meditation tracks to help achieve a relaxed state whenever we start feeling overwhelmed.
- Schedule Exercise into the Calendar. It is essential to carve out some time for brisk walks, pickleball, a run, or gym sessions during the week. Exercise is one of the most efficient ways to manage stress, increasing levels of the brain chemicals that naturally calm us down.
- Improve Sleep Quality. Without a good nights sleep it is nearly impossible to be focused, productive, and positive at work. Prioritize sleep quality by keeping a regular sleep schedule and try winding down before bedtime with a meditation app.
- Learn to delegate. When we try to perform every single task ourselves we are dooming ourselves to burnout. People who rise to the top of their profession have mastered the art of delegating tasks to their team. Learn how to let go of items that can easily be handled by others, and free up more time in your schedule.
Everyday life can become so hectic and demanding that finding the illusive work-life balance might like an unrealistic pipe dream. Thankfully with some retooling of your priorities, you absolutely can overcome burnout and reclaim your positivity.