6 Healthy Ways to Beat the Blues - Global Positive News
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6 Healthy Ways to Beat the Blues

Most of us have found ourselves in an emotional slump at least once in our lives. Feeling down in the dumps is like walking around in a grey fog, feeling listless, unmotivated, and just plain sad. Often, the period of low mood is triggered by an event, such as the death of a loved one, a job loss, or a failed relationship. Other times the cause isn’t so clear.

Have you found yourself marinating in a sauce of sadness for a few days? Well then, don’t let a bout of the blues threatens to steal your joy; it is time to take some action. If you are looking for some actionable steps to get out of that slump and increase your joy, please read on.

Is it the Blues or Depression?

As you make a plan to crawl out of that pit, let’s first discuss the difference between simply having the blues versus suffering from depression. The blues is a transient mood state that is often associated with an adverse life event. As you gradually overcome the setback, your low mood dissipates. Depression, however, is a mental health disorder with an onset not usually attributed to an event, and which persists for more than two weeks.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 21 million U.S. adults are afflicted with depression each year. The DSM-5 provides a list of nine symptoms for diagnosing major depressive disorder. The diagnosis is made when an individual presents with any combination of five or more symptoms that last for two weeks or longer.

The symptoms of depression can include:

  • Feeling sad or hopeless most of the time
  • Loss of interest in the things you once enjoyed
  • Sleeping too much or having trouble sleeping
  • Slowed thinking and movements
  • Difficulty paying attention and making decisions
  • Changes in eating habits that have led to sudden weight gain or loss
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Irrational feelings of guilt or shame
  • Suicidal thoughts

One of the telltale signs of depression is impaired functioning, such as having trouble managing basic daily tasks at home or work.

If you have been dealing with persistent low mood and other symptoms of depression, it’s a good idea to seek help from a mental health professional. Depression is a serious mental health condition that can worsen if it isn’t addressed and treated.

6 Healthy Ways to Manage the Blues

If it is the blues you are battling, consider some of these healthy activities to help guide you back to wellness:

  1. Get outside. Fresh air and sunshine provide us with the needed vitamin D for keeping our immune systems strong, while also protecting us from depression. Take a walk on the beach, a picturesque hike, or a refreshing swim to help beat the blues.


  1. See friends. Staying connected with close friends or family members is an excellent source of emotional support when you are going through a rough patch. Invite loved ones over for lunch or dinner and enjoy some conversation and company.


  1. Improve fitness. When you decide to focus on improving your physical health, you may be surprised to notice the many benefits for mental health as well. Design a new fitness routine – running, gym workouts, daily walks, cycling, rowing – and enjoy a boost in mood while getting fit.


  1. Holistic actions. Aromatherapy using essential oils, such as bergamot, ylang-ylang, orange, and lavender, can help improve mood. Also, supplements like SAMe and St. John’s Wort may also help reduce symptoms of the blues (check with your doctor first).


  1. Rediscover your interests. Sometimes our sad mood may be attributed to having lost touch with the things we are passionate about. Rekindle your love for art, travel, music, history, photography, or any hobby you once derived much pleasure from.


  1. Improve sleep quality. How can you not feel grumpy and negative if you aren’t getting enough quality sleep? Improve your sleep quality by sticking to a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine late in the day, and taking a warm bath before bed.

If you have found yourself down in the dumps, use these alternative solutions to beat the blues and get back to your happy, joyful self.


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